Tuesday 29 April 2014

10 Week Holiday Preparation Plan

Week 1: Planning and Clutter

This week, we need to set up command central for all of our holiday preparations. The most important thing we do this week will be to set up a holiday organizing notebook. You need one place where decorating ideas, neighborhood nativity display notices, and receipts for gifts purchased need to be kept. This week is also important because we'll be clearing out a lot of clutter. Plan to go room by room in your house removing items you no longer need. We're making space for the influx of stuff that is headed our way during the holiday season.

Week 2: Budgets and Living Areas

One of the other most important parts of holiday planning is in creating a budget. We need to figure out our expenses for the upcoming weeks so that our plans can be made to fit that budget. Also this week, now that we've cleared clutter from our home, we can start making our living areas ready to be deep cleaned and ready for their holiday best.

Week 3: Kitchen and Pantry

For many of us during the holidays, food plays a major role in our gatherings. Let's make sure our kitchens and pantries are ready to handle the added work. This week we'll clean out kitchen cabinets and go through the corners of our pantries. Use this chance to get rid of expired and out of date foods. It's also a great time to clear clutter dishes and appliances. Make room for some new ones and add them to your Christmas list.

Week 4: Dining Rooms

By week 4, Thanksgiving will be just around the corner. Lets get our dining rooms ready to host. Taking a few steps now to get your dining room in shape will relieve the stress during this season of entertaining. We're well into our gift making, buying and wrapping this week, as well. So we'll combine the work of cleaning with the fun of giving.

Week 5: Bathrooms and Guest Rooms
Whether your guests are planned or unexpected for the holidays, your guest rooms and bathrooms will be spiffed up and ready to go. You'll be glad that these guest areas are neat and clean when unplanned guests show up. Take this week to prepare guest spaces and bathrooms as we continue to put plans in place to enjoy the holidays.

Week 6: Bedrooms
While your last minute preparations for Thanksgiving are underway, we'll take some time to get our bedrooms in order as well. This is a great week to delegate chores to each family member, giving them responsibility for getting their rooms in order. You'll have less to do and everything will still get done.

Week 7: Closets and Storage

One holiday down, but there is still more work to do. This week, let's check out closets and storage areas in our home that need to be looked after. While these hidden areas aren't often seen by our guests, they represent a nerve center for our home, storing and holding items that will be needed later.

Week 8: Quick Clean
After all your work in the previous weeks, this week we are focusing on super speedy cleaning tips that will help you do more with less time. We're getting close to Christmas now, and things begin to get hectic. Quick 15 minute cleaning sessions can do so much for your home as you focus on other areas of holiday enjoyment.

Week 9: Maintain the Clean

We've got some last-minute things to do this week, but maintaining the clean house we've already worked for doesn't take much time at all. Focus in on the fun of the season, using short cleaning bursts to keep your home ready for the holidays. We only have 1 more week.

Week 10: Celebrate and Recover

We did it. We made it to the celebration week. Enjoy time with friends and family. Enjoy traditions old and new. Take time to relax and enjoy life. Find out how to help you and your home recover from all the celebrations.

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