We’re closing in on 24 hours now since flight MH370 departed KL International Airport for Beijing, and disappeared over the South China Sea. There are many rumours floating around as Malaysian Authorities are keeping a tight lid on the progress of the Search and Rescue efforts. We’ve compiled a list of stories going around as the world tries to make sense of what transpired.
Experts question airlines slow response – via straitstimes.comWe have been following events closely and have got to agree that there was a significant delay in getting information out from the time the plane lost contact, to the time any announcement was made.
Two of 227 passengers were using STOLEN passports - via The MirrorTwo passengers who were listed as being on board the plane are confirmed to be alive and well. Both have reported to have had their passports stolen sometime in the last 6 to 8 months.
Vietnam Rescuers sport oil slick and smoke off its coastline – via straitstimes.comAir flight pictures show a column of smoke and oil spill over a 20km area off the coast of Vietnam. Rescue boats will require another 3 hours to reach the location.
Search called off  / Stolen passports – via DailyMail
According to the local authorities, the search will continue into the night as weather is good. Visibility might be an issue however.

Pray for MH370..